Self-Enrollment for myUSCchart Patient Portal
Self-enrollment is available for patients who are age 13 or older who are not currently enrolled for myUSCchart. myUSCchart allows you to access your medical information and connect with your health care team. Complete the form below to start the self-enrollment process.
If you manage the health of a patient, talk to the patient's health care provider during the next visit to receive a personal invitation to myUSCchart. Self-enrollment is not currently available to caregivers or guardians.
For security purposes, myUSCchart self-enrollment requires that your email or Medical Record Number (MRN) match what is on file with Keck Medicine of USC. Your MRN can be obtained from the following:
• Discharge or visit summary you received at your last clinic visit, ER visit or inpatient stay
• Contacting (800) USC-CARE (800-872-2273)